Sunday, April 22, 2012

Chocolate strawberries

Every Easter the Easter Bunny gives my three children chocolate bunnies in their baskets. Early on I taught them that we can eat a little of that bunny, but then we save the rest for strawberry season to make chocolate covered strawberries. It is the gift that keeps on giving. This isn't actually hard as said bunny is nice enough to leave other yummy chocolate things to tide them through the day, especially during the egg hunt.

This year my eldest didn't even touch his bunny, so now we are going to make two batches, one with his and the one here with the headless bunnies from my younger two. This recipe is so simple it is hard not to keep making it all through strawberry season if you have chocolate on hand. These must be eaten the day they are made. Once you have dipped that strawberry it isn't going to last even if you refrigerate it.

headless bunnies and strawberries, nothing more

wash and dry your strawberries prepare your drying pan

you will need to butcher the bunnies

then add to a bowl over hot water (medium heat is good)

stir until chocolate is melted

then proceed to dip strawberries, try to keep it light, too much chocolate is a bad thing here

let dry completely, I hide them in the oven from little hands

then eat, preferably outside if you have ravenous chocolate monsters like I do

Most yummy!

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