We discovered the magic of fava beans about 6 years ago and every year when they come in season I make this recipe. I have saved recipes for fava bean hummus, favas with tomatoes, and many more, but their season is so fleeting and this preparation is so tasty, we just don't do anything else with them. Granted it can seem tedious to have to double peel and cook the beans, but it is so worth it. And if you have kids, fun for them to. Wink.
simple ingredients for savory results |
separate the 'beans' from the pods |
blanch in boiling water to loosen outer skin |
who needs an ice bath when your tap water comes from a glacier |
make a small tear in the outer skin and pop the bean out |
chop the mint and garlic |
saute garlic, mint, and beans in olive oil until the garlic is just cooked thru
season with salt |
serve at room temperature |
Mmmm, mmm, good.
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