Sunday, January 6, 2013

Blue cheese dressing

There is nothing tastier than making your own blue cheese dressing. Ever since I found this recipe 10 years ago, I have never looked back. The biggest problem is finding rennet free blue cheese. Most american and french cheeses have rennet. British cheeses have a lot of rennet free options and spain is 50/50. I have found a good amish brand that is rennet free and have been using that. My favorite blue is shropshire blue, but that is too expensive to make into dressing, I just eat that straight with my blue cheese loving eldest.

This recipe has pretty easy proportions, 1:1:1 then you can adjust lemon, salt, more mayo/sour cream/yogurt, more cheese, etc to taste. The original recipe calls for sour cream, but I use yogurt since my eldest can't handle sour cream. Also if you think you will use all of this in one sitting/party/etc you can add some fine chopped flat leaf parsley at the end. I have found it doesn't work as well the next day.

yogurt, blue cheese, mayonnaise, lemon, salt, and pepper

mix yogurt (or sour cream) and mayonnaise

then add blue cheese, salt, and pepper, smoosh the cheese in with a fork

add some lemon and smoosh more

taste and decide more yogurt and blue cheese

serve with potato chips, un-buffalo wings, dipping veggies, etc


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